Creating Newsletters Is Important. But Is Anyone Reading Yours?


Our email inbox is the center of life on the internet. No matter how hard we try, we often end up checking our emails on our electronic devices several times during the day. It’s natural given that we always have our mobile phones at our disposal and laptops or desktops within our reach, if we are at work.

Often considered as one of the relics of early internet, email newsletters are still going strong despite the dearth of content pieces. Even though B2B businesses have a wide variety of content marketing techniques at their behest, one that they really focus on is email newsletters.

According to Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends report by CMI, 80% of marketers included emails in their content plan this year. Since an email supports and strengthens every piece of content a business creates, it gives the business a means of sharing insights, ideas and initiatives.

Read more: How Has Email Marketing Evolved In The Last 5 Years

Competition for businesses will increase

According to a study by the Radicati Group, a technology market research firm, the average business email account received 88 messages every day in 2015. By 2018, this number is expected to jump to 97, and we are already in 2017! The alarming part is the competition for attention is only going to increase in the coming years.


Since emails are 40% more effective at acquiring new customers than social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, it is important for businesses to pay close attention to their email newsletter marketing – even if they think they are winning at it.

Want to ace your email newsletters? Here’s everything you need to do:

1. Personalisation is the key

Half the battle is won if businesses can get their targeted audience to “open” the email. How can they ensure this? By distributing content that is personal yet relevant to each of the prospects. But before that, it is necessary to track geography, industry, role and any other background information on the targeted audience that will aid marketers in personalizing the email marketing newsletter content.

Here are open click rates as per industry:


Use predictive marketing techniques to serve up content that anticipates your customers’ international needs.

Read more: An Easy Guide To Personalized Digital Marketing

2. Newsletter should be 90% educational, 10% promotional

Seriously, there is no dearth of content in this time and age. From social media to website, “content” is everything anyone sees these days. Hence, how can newsletters be left behind in the race? Even though newsletter subscribers would be more than happy to learn about a product or service, they want to refrain from reading sales-y content.

Companies like Wigzo let you create newsletters that are tailored to suit every individual’s interest to the “t”! The tool auto-populates the newsletter content based on previous interaction data of the subscriber. This ensures your newsletters are personalized on a 1:1 basis and add value to the reader every time! Higher click through rates, guaranteed! 

3. Is the email newsletter optimized for all devices?

According to HubSpot, 80.8 of users report reading email on mobile devices. Therefore, it is important to optimize the newsletter for all kinds of electronic gadgets. This will allow the users to consume data from any device and the messaging is not lost.

Plus, as long as the readability is in favour of the users, they will be more than happy to click open your newsletter and read it.


4. Analyze the metrics

Every organization has its own definition of success. Marketers shouldn’t push back on analyzing the metrics after every newsletter is sent out. If weekly analysis is not possible, carving out time to review metrics data once a month is not an impossible task.


This is just to make sure that marketers are being able to achieve goals that are actionable and the performance of newsletters is right on track. It is necessary to routinely evaluate performance and make ongoing optimizations – not just delivering content blindly.



Wigzo – a one-stop solution for all email marketing needs

Wigzo is able to break data silos and track users across web, mobile web and apps. It can profile each user so you can automatically deliver the right experience on the right platform. It also provides predictive content recommendations.

Wigzo can help you send the right message at the right time, on the right device with tools such as email, push and web notifications to draw engagement. It also creates, tests and analyzes campaigns without getting the developers involved.


It has an easy-to-use interface with drag-and-drop dashboard. It provides quick data on analytics, users and content – which is helpful to ensure the success of all of your email marketing efforts.

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Atyab Mohammad

Atyab Mohammad

Atyab is the Chief Product Officer at Wigzo. A Professional from IIT Delhi, India. He has worked for creating products for companies like Canon. You might find him singing loudly during late hours in his office, which he calls an "Idea Generation Catalyst".

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