The Importance of Communication for Customers in E-commerce

The Importance of Communication for Customers in E-commerce

The world of e-commerce is an ever-changing and evolving one. Whether it be through social media, chatbots, or other means, customers are always looking for ways to connect with brands in a way that feels more personal. 

One key aspect of this connection is communication. But what does good customer communication look like? What are the benefits of having good customer communication? How can businesses make sure their customers know they care? 

We’ll explore these questions below!

Want to establish trust? Start communicating!

You can communicate with your customers in many ways – by telephone customer service, email, social media, or face-to-face – each has its pros and cons, but there are concerns about how we should communicate with our customers as these days it’s easier than ever before to take offense. 

Moreover, consumers are far more likely to trust a firm that makes it simple to contact personnel at the company.

Your customers need to feel heard and cared for

In an age where everything can be shared instantly online people have become increasingly prone to sharing their grievances. You might find that a customer has abused you or your brand on their Facebook wall and this could go viral, so it’s best to be proactive and resolve the issue quickly.

Finding out exactly what happened can be tricky, especially if there is no proof of what was said online so it might be worth asking them to send you more information about their complaint privately until you have all the details. Be calm when speaking to the customer and try not to get angry because this will leave them with even more of an impression of how bad your company/brand is.

Customer experience matters more than ever before. According to a recent study, 58% of customers would stop doing business with a firm if they had an unfavorable consumer experience.

It’s obvious, but many individuals are so wrought up over something that they don’t pause to consider before they type – look for spelling mistakes, poorly expressed ideas, or anything else that may reveal an underlying grievance.

Why is communication not optional for e-commerce customers now?

Customer communication for e-commerce companies is not only beneficial to have but rather a must-have in this digital age. According to data from Microsoft, customer care is essential for brand loyalty for 95% of customers.

However, saying you have established communication with your customers is insufficient. Terrible communication is worse than no communication at all. When it comes to the quality of service, businesses and customers have significantly different perceptions; 80% of firms think they provide outstanding customer care, but only 8% of consumers agree.

Keep in mind that Millennials are ready to pay 21% more for excellent customer service.

What should you do about it?

Companies must adapt to the shifting buyer climate. Communication staff is at the forefront of a firm, thus their role in developing relationships and trust with clients is crucial. As a result, providing outstanding communication to the customers may be a game-changer for your company. Here are some ways that your business can practice that:

Get Structured

You may have a great process and an exceptional team, but if you don’t have structure, things will fall apart. Keeping track of client interactions and providing your staff with technology that helps them collaborate ensures that everyone is on the same page (nothing slips through the gaps).

A shared inbox previously saved replies for recurring questions, and collision detection allows your customer support staff to handle consumer issues in an organized and efficient manner.

Set an omnichannel communication with your customers

It’s no secret that juggling gadgets to accomplish tasks has become a reality. According to data from Microsoft, 66% of customers utilize at least three distinct communication channels to contact customer service. As a result, the most pressing customer experience problem for over half of businesses is “maintaining a seamless experience across multiple channels.”

However, you must communicate to customers through their preferred medium. If you want to satisfy and surpass your clients’ expectations, you’ll need a cohesive omnichannel communication strategy in place.

Allow customers to reach out whenever they like

Self-service is one of the most underutilized methods of excellent e-commerce customer communication. Automated channels, such as through a website or mobile app, are popular among 64% of US consumers for simple communication with customers.

During high-volume periods or when consumers seek fast answers, using a live chat tool to surface immediate solutions might help businesses stay ahead of the curve. Anything that helps customers discover their solutions increases sales throughout busy selling seasons.

Customers love personalized communication

According to Accenture, 33% of consumers who terminated a business connection cited lack of personalization as the reason. Personalized communication is widely anticipated by customers, and a Segment study revealed that 71% of respondents were dissatisfied with impersonal encounters.

What distinguishes leaders from other online enterprises is their ability to communicate in a personalized and informed manner.

Take advantage of customer feedback

77% of customers are more likely to buy from a brand that solicits and welcomes feedback proactively. Furthermore, 52% of consumers around the world believe that businesses should respond to comments made by their clients.

Social proof is a big part of customer feedback definition, but that is not all. Customer feedback also allows the customer service team to see where the client’s journey may be heading.

In fact, you can use Conversations, a full-fledged customer communication management app that brings all the chats from your website, Whatsapp, and Messenger into one dashboard. Conversations by Wigzo allow e-commerce businesses to be proactive and deliver stellar customer support – without missing a single thread!

Speed up the communication

Speed and convenience are two of the most remarkable elements of e-commerce. Customers want an immediate response and immediate answers when they shop online. According to Statista, 12% of Americans consider “lack of speed” to be their top customer service complaint.

When you can consistently communicate high-quality information to customers across various channels on time, you’re well on your way to offering complete omnichannel communication, which customers love.

Constant communication will lead to customer loyalty

Analyze the efficacy of each message. Every email, social interaction, or chat message may be used to enhance customers’ loyalty to your brand, so it’s critical to optimize every encounter. Failure to provide each contact with the appropriate amount of attention, customization, and enthusiasm may result in serious problems for your company: from a client leaving to publicizing poor communication on social media, which poses further harm to your business reputation.

According to HubSpot Research With excellent customer service, 91 percent of clients are likely to make repeat purchases. 


Communication is the key to customer satisfaction. The more communication you have with your customers, the better their experience will be. This means not only being transparent about what’s going on but also actively listening and responding to feedback that they provide for you. If you can do this consistently then it may help ensure that your e-commerce business thrives in a competitive marketplace where consumers are constantly looking for new companies to buy from.

Kamna Gupta

Kamna Gupta

Kamna is a Content Marketing Writer in Wigzo with 4+ years of experience in content writing and editing. In her spare time, she enjoys baking and writing.

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